So this is coming a little late... I had some trouble getting in to typepad to blog, and then I decided to revamp RTH... that said, here we are, and I think its a perfect time to do a little reminiscing. :)
We started out the year with a cooking contest where readers shared a ton of their favorite recipes, and as a result my family enjoyed many delicious meals!
January brought much in the way of creativity as well.
February rang in a new year for me, as I grew one year older and celebrated life and love with my family and friends.
For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive an awesome Nikon D80, which is glued to me even now, on a daily basis. I have taken over 2500 photos this year, not including those from photo shoots!
Toes were painted...
And I started to really take my knitting seriously (as opposed to strictly crochet).
March brought about more sewing for me (I love doll quilts! I think I need to make some more to ring in 2009!)
We also got our new van! You all chose to name her Ruby for me (though my friends and family have settled on calling her Lola! Can't seem to shake them of that one... what can I say? She's a showgirl)
Shortly after that, Rachel came to visit from Arizona and we went to RENT live in Tulsa!
Before we knew it, Easter had come and gone...
April brought with it some unexpected news... I was pregnant. I don't have any photos to share for that one, but it was a big part of our year, so it can't go unmentioned...
There was also some sewing being done for two little cuties...
May consisted of mostly bedrest, but there was also some cooking going on!
Mother's day came and went, as we focused on a quiet time together, celebrating our family...
June was a hard month for me. Kevin left on a PCS deployment and I miscarried the next week while I was at mom's. In protest, I cut and dyed my hair (my mom says this is instinctually something that Irish women tend to do in times of grief - a hat-tip to my lineage).
Still, I was not okay.
The only thing that helped me get through it was time. I'm still not over it, of course, though I don't think you ever get over things like that. I'm better able to deal with it, just taking things day by day. We said goodbye to our baby stuff, and let go as much as we could of the pain.
Life carried on, as Abbi continued to go to therapies (OT & PT)
The middle of June this year, Abbi was diagnosed with Autism by a dedicated team of professionals here in San Antonio at BAMC. We have always sortof suspected it, but this diagnosis confirms it, and explains a lot of things, like her obsession with water.
We went to Sea World that week as well, to do something fun for the kids after such a long week of medical business.
And I did a little creating as well.
During July Kev went back on PCS deployment to another location, and I tried to find ways to keep the kids and myself happy and busy. I did a lot of sewing, and we went to many parks on rainy days.
On the 4th of July we went to the FRG picnic, and had a great time!
It wasn't all sunshine and daisies however. The weather in Oklahoma can sometimes get out of control.
On one summer afternoon that the kids and I were driving around, we were caught unexpectedly by a dangerous storm that had us hauled up in Walmart for over an hour while it passed.
Abbi of course, loved every minute of it!
While Kev was gone we explored the farmers' market and discovered that Anna has a thing for strawberries!
I explored my creativity a bit as well and began painting again.
Before we knew it, Kev was back home from his trip to Ft. Knox
And I ended the month by designing a crochet calorimetry!
I did some more sewing in August for my colorful little girls
And did a photo shoot for a very sweet family back in Lawton.
We got our orders to move here to San Antonio so that Abbi could be near BAMC for medical care. This was the beginning of a LOT of changes for our little family!
I learned to spin and dye yarn (thank you Fran!) and had fun coming up with artsy yarns of my own like this curly skein made from jacob locks.
We went to mom's house and played in the rain in Alva
We played at friends' houses (hi Nikki!)
And at the end of August, my beautiful Abbi turned 7! Its so hard to
believe she is that old, but other times she seems to have the wisdom
of ages. So proud of her!! :)
In September, Swiper stole my phone (and I found it)
And we had to say goodbye to the first home we owned and the only one any of us had lived in for that length of time.
We finished out the month with Abigail winning the Dandelion award at her school for most improved student since the beginning of the year! Go Abbi!
In October we went to Texas, on a very long drive.
And arrived at our new home.
We had some trouble getting settled, dealing with vaccine issues with the school and finding doctors... but things seem to be getting underway now.
Kev turned 28!
And Halloween was fun!
This November, the kids didn't seem to have a problem finding some trouble of their own either!
Mom came to Houston for a conference, so Anna and I went down to see her.
We have also been enjoying the new back yard..
And loved celebrating Anna's 3rd birthday in November!
December of course brought forth wonderful foods to enjoy...
But there was also sadness. My due date would have been Dec. 18th. It was a hard day, but I was blessed with family and friends who were there for me.
Rachel and I finished our Twilight swap which was a SMASHING success!!
All of our family gathered together for Christmas, and everyone was in the same place for the first time in 20 years. The kids had a marvelous time opening presents and it was definitely a time that we will never forget!
And I got a perm. :) Thank you mom!
Happy New Year everyone!
What a beautiful, substantial year you have had, Kristin! ((hugs)) and hopes that this one is even more amazing.
Posted by: Munch | January 07, 2009 at 11:52 PM
So many things to say about your year--I'm glad I got to share most of it with you, I just wish it were face-to-face.
Hugz, and blessings for a better year to come.
P.S. LOVE the perm!
Posted by: Mandaleigh | January 11, 2009 at 04:38 PM